Project summary

In the earliest Greek texts (Mycenae, inscriptions, epic and lyric poetry) the particles án and ken are used. The project PaGHEMMo will investigate the original functions and etymology of the particles án and ken in the ancient Greek tradition preceding the Attic prose. It will also examine the uses of the particles man, -san and -kan in the Old-Hittite texts (1650-1450 BC) and compare them with those of the Greek particles. In the Greek texts the particles could be combined with a mood (optative or subjunctive) while in Hittite these moods are not attested, so that the bare particles expressed the modality. The findings will show the diachronic path of expressing modality and the possibility to reconstruct this category for the Indo-European Protolanguage.

(more info will follow soon!)

Work packages and research questions

Work Package 1 Moods in (Homeric) Greek

A descriptive analysis of the moods in Homeric Greek, non-epic poetry and selected inscriptions until 500 BC.

Work Package 2

Modal Particles in (Homeric) Greek

A synchronic analysis of the use of the different modal particles in Homeric Greek, non-epic poetry and selected inscriptions until 500 BC.

Work Package 3

The (origins of) subordination

Is parataxis older than hypotaxis?

Do the subordinate clauses contain indications for an older main clause status?

Work Package 4

Particle use in Hittite

A synchronic description of the most important particles used to convey modal and / or aspectual values to the verb forms.

Work Package 5 Dissemination and publication

(A list of publications, presentations and invited lectures will be provided for very soon)


Contact us for more information about our project.

